Dempsey & Baxter has written appraisals for thousands of individuals, banks, and trust officers on jewelry, rare coins and currency, and other antiquities ranging from 500 B.C. to the present.
If you are looking for information on selling an item or collection, we can help you get the most for your valuables! As Northwest Pennsylvania’s leading buyer of rare coins, currency, broken and unwanted jewelry, and other antiquities, our name is recognized throughout the industry for strong offers and honest dealings.
Not sure what type of an appraisal you need? Stop in with your item(s) to discuss your expected outcomes.
There is no charge if you are looking for an offer to sell your jewelry to Dempsey & Baxter Jewelers (verbal appraisal). If you are looking to sell an item(s), the team at Dempsey & Baxter can provide you with a verbal offer on your gold, silver, coins, or jewelry.

Dempsey & Baxter offers a variety of appraisal services to meet your needs, including verbal (bid), fair market, insurance, and probate. Not sure what type of an appraisal you need? Stop in with the item(s) to discuss your expected outcomes.
Fair Market Appraisal – Current market value for an item. This is used for knowledge of an item’s worth, of if you are looking to pass down an item.
Insurance Appraisal – This type of appraisal is appropriate for obtaining insurance coverage on an item, such as engagement rings, from your insurance agent. It provides you with an insurance value that, when covered by your insurance, would make you whole in case of a total loss.
Probate Appraisal – This appraisal is used to establish values of coins or jewelry for distribution and handling of an estate.
Fair market, insurance, and probate written appraisals incur an hourly fee – please contact the store directly for more information or an estimate.